Submit an Obituary

Honour and preserve the memory of a deceased relative or friend by posting an Obituary on our USCC Doukhobor Website!

This service is available to all families and friends of the overall Doukhobor community. The submitted Obituary, as well as a listing of any memorial donations to the USCC Doukhobor Website, in memory of the deceased person, that accompany the submission, will be permanently posted on our Website.

Submitting an Obituary is a two step process:

This can be done online, using the handy form below, or in person, at either of the USCC Offices, or by means of an email to our Website Contact email address: info(at)  - Viewers must be aware that this process is not automated and, although we will make every effort to post the submitted Obituary as quickly as possible, the posting will not appear online immediately. The submitted Obituary should comply with the following guidelines:

  • It can be quite brief or more extensive, but should not exceed two thousand five hundred (2500) words, including any poem or quotation that may be part of it.

  • Each submitted Obituary can only deal with one individual, even in the instance of two or more people passing away at the same time, as in an accident.

  • It must include the full name of the deceased person, the date and place of their birth, as well as the date and place of their passing.

  • It should include basic information about the life of the deceased, including some indication of those family members that predeceased or are surviving the deceased person.

  • It may be accompanied by a maximum of five (5) photos per Obituary; photos may be in colour or black and white, and each photo must be clearly identified. (Please note: photos cannot be uploaded with the form below. If you are making your submission online, using this online form, you can send us your photo via direct email at our usual address:  info(at)

  • The Obituary may include poems, quotations, and tributes from family members and friends, as long as the overall word limits are not exceeded. If additional tributes need to be posted these can be submitted as separate "In Memoriam Messages"

  • The Obituary may be accompanied by a memorial donation to the USCC Website (See "Step 2", below). A minimum donation of $10.00 to the USCC Website is suggested; all donations of $20.00 or more will receive a tax-deductible receipt at the end of each calendar year. A clear listing of the donor(s), their place of residence, and the amount donated by each to the USCC Website must be included with each submission. (Memorial donations made to other USCC departments, such as ISKRA, Verigin Memorial Fund, Cemetery Funds, etc. may be listed in sum totals only, if desired, but individual amounts will not be included.)

  • An Obituary may be submitted in either English or Russian or both, but any translation must be done prior to submission, and grammar and spelling must also be as accurate as possible, as the USCC Web Group does not presently have the resources to provide these services at more than a minimal level. Obituaries submitted in both languages will appear together, IF their combined texts do not exceed the word limit. If the limits are exceeded, the Russian language text will not be included, but it may be re-submitted as an "In Memoriam Message", provided it does not exceed the word limit for that section.

  • When composing the Obituary it may be helpful to take a minute to peruse the previous Obituaries already posted on the Obituary page. You can also cut and paste the Obituary text into the blank provided below from an email or other document, if you wish.

  • All submitted Obituaries may be subject to some minimal editing for size, accuracy and grammar. Please try to make your submitted message as complete and accurate as possible, in order to reduce the need for editing. If substantial editing is required, the Web Group will consult with the submitter prior to posting the Obituary. Reasonable changes, additions or corrections to an existing Obituary can be submitted at any time. Also, at the request of the original submitter only, and upon verification, any posted Obituary may be deleted from the USCC Doukhobor Website. However, any donations made to the Website are not refundable.

  • All submissions must clearly indicate who is submitting the Obituary, with all of the relevant information as listed in the blank form below.

  • Anyone requiring assistance in the submission of an Obituary should contact the USCC Web Group at our usual address: info(at)

STEP 2 (Optional) - Make an online In Memoriam Donation

Please fill in all blanks:  
Your Name
Amount (CAD)
The full text of the Obituary to be submitted:
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